Here are some of the highlights from November 2024 as told by the Sales Team . . .
Sid Khanna: Steve McManus & Joe Raccio at GWU
Steve McManus and Joe Raccio did great work at the GWU PRV survey. They identified that steam was off to a certain part of the university which the school was not aware of at the time. If they did not catch that mistake, it would have remained off for an extended period which could have caused bigger issues. GWU saw the value of APM analyzing their system and we hope to grow our offerings at this site.
Jim Krochune: Steve Sheldon at John T Mather Hospital
Steve Sheldon was at John T Mather Hospital in September for a re-pipe job. When he returned in November for a steam trap survey, the site contact remembered him and gave him a master key. Steve even verified the plugged line was working correctly. This is APM.
Eric Hayston: Miriam Hospital
APM lost Miriam Hospital account 6 years ago because they felt we over failed traps. They brought in another vendor that presented a case that we failed traps they felt were fine. This caused the customer to lose trust in APM as a steam trap expert and they refused to work with us going forward. Thanks to Rhode Island Energy, we were able to convince Miriam to give us another chance to do a trap changeout project. Because of the high-profile nature of this project, Eric Hayston and Eric Honan met with Paul Brassard, the Mechanical Supervisor at Miriam, during the project to ask him how we were doing. Paul said both Hunter and Kevin were very professional and he was very pleased with their work and communication with him up to that point.
Congratulations to Hunter and Kevin for helping us slowly regain trust with a previously consistent customer.
#Pride #Empathy