Here are some of the highlights from March 2023 as told by the Sales Team . . .
Evan Pfenninger: Saint John’s University
With Tom Goldsmith retiring from Saint John’s University he had a lot to say about how Ryan Patterson has helped the university over the last 4 years. Tom described Ryan as “Trustworthy & Knowledgeable”. Great work throughout your whole time at Saint John’s Ryan!
Nice work Ryan!
Tony Mann: Shoutout to Kerri!
I want to give a shout out to Kerri Schepis and thank her for all her help coming up to speed on ALL THINGS. Especially on the SF closing out an order process. Kerri is very detailed and patient explaining all the details and the processes involved with managing a closed order in SF. It is quite a maze to navigate and I appreciate her assistance and guidance tremendously.
Great job Kerri!
Sid Khanna: Thank you James Aguiar
James has been doing a great job keeping my reports on tracking and helping me with special requests mainly from bid projects in the NJ area. I know it’s a busy time with heating season coming to an end, but he has made sure his team has been on top of things regularly.
Nice job staying on top of everything James!
Jonathan Eno: Lubrizol
David Glastetter and Jonathan Davis made a great impression at the chemical company, Lubrizol, in Avon Lake, OH. The site personnel were very impressed with APM’s knowledge of steam systems. David performed a survey while working closely with Lubrizol personnel. Jonathan provided consulting for multiple facilities engineers. My main contact told me “Your work proved that it was a great idea to hire you to help with our issues. It has been evident to my management as well as our technicians.” This steam trap survey on the sample area that we worked in has been a fantastic example of what we can do for our customers. From what I understand, this will turn in to more work at this site and most likely the other locations in Ohio. It proves that our people take great pride in their work.
Excellent work David and Jonathan!
Evan Pfenninger: Sylvamo
Steve completed a new survey at Sylvamo paper company. Steve did an amazing job at this site and found many issues they had with their system including blowdowns being open, steam traps valved out, traps replaced with check valves, etc. Steve was very thorough with this project and the customer expressed how thrilled they were with the results and thoroughness compared to other companies they have had come and complete a survey. Great job with the survey Steve, this is the exact reason customers return to APM for service.
Way to go Steve!
Sid Khanna: Thank you Michael Hurton
Mike has been doing a great job stepping up to plate now that Sandy has left the position. He has been following up on all my projects and staying on top of all the different incentive programs in my various areas.
Nice job Michael!